December 18th, 2024

Haven't done much today either. I don't have much to talk about today, not much happened. I've honestly been pretty tired after work, but work hasn't been like bad lately, or anything. I have been thinking about that one conlang I mentioned I was working on a while ago (I think I mentioend it by name, Midroket), mostly thinking about the writing system. I was thinking about trying to make a syllabary or semi-syllabary for it instead of the weird alphabet it has right now, but I think the language is weird in a way where the current writing system makes more sense? At least with how I have it conceptualized. Basically syllable structure is ambiguous, so something like CVCVC (C for consonant V for vowel) could be CVC-VC or CV-CVC, with no real rules for telling the two apart. The current writing system links symbols in a syllable together, forming C-V-CV-C or C-VC-V-C, removing that ambiguity. A semi-syllabary I think would be more sensical (you have one symbol for all of the CV and VC syllables and then a full alphabet for forming a CVC syllable or a word-initial V) but it would also mask the underlying strucutre of the word. But the underlying structure (the CVCVC) also doesn't really matter, because if you took something like "kenat" or whatever, "ke-nat" and "ken-at" would not necessarily be related. Idk I kind of like the writing system I made but I'm not sure it's very verisimilitudinous, which I do honestly think is a problem.